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Fully loaded private state of the art gym.


Greg trains clients one-at-a-time in his private gym. There are no distractions or waiting like you'd find in a crowded gym. You'll receive a focused one-on-one training session. Private personal training sessions are 1/2 hour or 1 hour by appointment only.

Greg trains clients one-at-a-time in his private gym.
Corporate Fitness. Onsite wellness programs for businesses of all sizes.


Bond with your significant other, daughter, son or friend while you get in shape together under the guidance of a professional fitness trainer! Interactive strength training, core stabilization exercises, and stretching are twice the fun when you share it with someone special.



Small group personal training is not to be confused with a fitness class. Rather than working one-on-one with a trainer, you work in a group of 3-5 people. Take advantage of incredible rates as much as half the cost an individual training session.

Train with a friend or significant other while under the guidance of a professional trainer.


Healthy employees are productive employees! WNY Personally Fit offers on-site corporate and wellness programs for businesses of all sizes. Whether offered as a full employee benefit, a subsidized benefit, or at the employee's expense, having on-site exercise and nutritional options increases workers ability to find time for fitness.

Small group personal training. Take advantage of incredible rates at half the cost of individual training sessions.


Meet Greg. A professional personal trainer and member of the NSCA and IDEA. Over 30 years of training in the fitness industry

As a professional personal trainer and member of NSCA and IDEA, Greg utilizes a comprehensive personal fitness program to achieve your goals. With over 30 years of training in the fitness industry, Greg believes one of the most important aspects of training is connecting with your trainer. Your time with him will be spent learning about his training methods and philosophy.                                                                                                                                                                                        Greg truly cares about you and wants to see you succeed in your fitness journey. Workout routines are tailored specifically to you and designed to optimize your training sessions.

Recommend Business professionals with varying schedules and time commitments.
NSCA member
IDEA member

Let's talk about your goals

Excellent personal trainer that stays current in the fitness field
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